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Record ID: 0c0fbf96-1dbf-4cf7-899a-49c0cbfb81ea
Type: Report
Title: Measuring family violence in Victoria : Victorian family violence database : volume 4, nine year trend analysis, 1999-2008
Authors: Victims Support Agency
Keywords: Policing;Measurement;Statistics
Year: 2009
Publisher: Victorian Department of Justice
Notes:  General Overview: The latest in this series of reports, Measuring Family Violence in Victoria:, volume 4, was published in December 2009 by the Department of Justice Victoria. It is the most recent update of a project begun in 1999 which analyses family violence incidents reported in that state. The database, now administered by the Victims Support Agency in the Department of Justice, incorporates data from:
This valuable collection now covers nearly a decade of data obtained from government agencies in Victoria in the area of family violence.
Contents:  Executive summary
1: Introduction
2: The development of the Victorian Family Violence Database
3: Family violence
4: Data and the Victorian Family Violence Database
5: Overview of the victims and perpetrators of family violence
6: Adult victims of family violence
7: Child victims of family violence
8: Known disability among those involved in family violence
9: Family violence patients presenting to the emergency department of the Victorian hospital system
10: Members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities who have experienced family violence
11: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) who have experienced family violence
12: Family violence: the nature of the violence, risk assessment and risk management
13: Conclusion
ISBN: 9781921627040
Physical description: 147 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. + CD-ROM.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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