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Record ID: db96be6d-c6c0-4242-8669-cad01dc311cb
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Type: Report
Title: Beyond belief, beyond justice : the difficulties for victim/survivors with disabilities when reporting sexual assault and seeking justice
Authors: Camilleri, Margaret
Goodfellow, Jonathan
Keywords: Sexual assault;Training;Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 2003
Publisher: Disability Discrimination Legal Service
Notes:  "Final report of Stage One of the Sexual Offences Project"
General Overview: This paper discusses the systemic discrimination against people with a cognitive disability that occurs when they seek justice for sexual assault in Victoria.

Discussion: Beyond belief, beyond justice:was developed with the aim of investigating the difficulties in reporting sexual abuse and the barriers to prosecution faced by survivors of sexual assault with a cognitive impairment.
The project incorporated a range of methodologies including data analysis, a review of the literature, consultations with professionals who work with survivors of sexual assault who have disabilities, and analysis of policy and procedural documents.

The research found that sexual assault survivors with cognitive disabilities are often faced with disbelief when they report sexual assault; not considered reliable witnesses or capable of participation in the justice process; blamed for the assault(s) and removed from their homes as a 'punishment'. As a result they are often placed at greater risk of sexual assault, experience fear and social isolation.

The report suggests that in order to change this culture there must be more research into the needs of survivors with disabilities; improvement in data collection methods; greater worker training and skills in the area of sexual assault and disability; systemic reforms of the justice system and increased training, skills development and education for people with cognitive disabilities.
Physical description: 81 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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