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Record ID: 1b47a8cd-27a2-4fde-8285-9067df9c4da7
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Type: Report
Title: A right to respect : Victoria’s plan to prevent violence against women
Authors: Office for Women’s Policy
Keywords: Sexual assault;Prevention;Interagency work;Policy
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2009
Publisher: State Government Victoria
Notes:  General Overview: Victoria’s ten-year prevention plan sets out a system wide approach to stopping violence against women and promoting respectful, gender-equitable relationships. The plan is guided by VicHealth’s 2007 research on existing prevention programs and strategies and is aligned with relevant state and national-level frameworks such as the Strategic framework to guide continuing family violence reform in Victoria 2010-2020:(forthcoming) and Time for action: the National Council’s Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children:.

* gender-equitable, safe and inclusive communities and organisations
To that end, the plan sets out seven strategies, under the broad categories of:

* communications, advocacy and champions
* skills, attitudes and social norms
One important feature of the plan is its strong focus on working across settings, specifically across: education and training; local government, health and community services; sports and recreation; workplaces; and media, arts and popular culture. An annex of case studies of existing prevention programs from each of these areas is included.

* a staged approach to implementation, through a series of three separate Implementation Plans
* a commitment to ‘working with and for everyone’, including the specialist family violence and sexual assault sector, non-violent men, children and young people, and marginalised or hard-to-reach groups.

The plan also includes sections on: policy enablers; performance monitoring, research and evaluation measures; and government and accountability mechanisms.
Physical description: 48 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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