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Record ID: e09ed8a9-26e3-4a3d-83c6-0998fa67bbcf
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Type: Report
Title: The global gender gap report : 2007
Authors: Hausmann, Ricardo
Zahidi, Saadia
Tyson, Laura D
Keywords: Statistics;Policy;Human rights
Year: 2007
Publisher: World Economic Forum
Notes:  General Overview: :The Global Gender Gap Index can be used to measure the degree of gender inequality in access to resources and opportunities in a country, independent of its level of development. The index is calculated based on a country’s performance in four different areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment, and health and survival. This is the second annual report on the Global Gender Gap Index.

Discussion: :The report is divided into two sections. Part 1 explains how the Global Gender Gap Index is measured and outlines global and regional trends. It ranks countries’ overall performance since 2006, as well as their 2007 performance on the four subindexes. It concludes with a discussion on the relationship between gender equality and economic development.

Part 2 of the report contains individual profiles of the 128 countries included in the 2007 report. It presents the original data used to calculate the index, as well as other country-specific variables.

In 2007, Australia had a score of 0.7204 on the Global Gender Gap Index (where 0 is inequality and 1 is equality) and was ranked 17 in the world. The report describes Australia’s performance as well-rounded across the four subindexes and notes that the country has improved its economic and opportunity participation score since the last report.
Physical description: 173 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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