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Record ID: 1e16e393-786d-4a41-8cde-bec6397188c7
Type: Report
Title: CALD woman's project : Final Report
Authors: Department for Victorian Communities
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2005
Publisher: Department for Victorian Communities
Notes:  General Overview: :This report looks at the needs of CALD women in Victoria and discusses domestic violence briefly.

Discussion: :The Department for Victorian Communities commissioned research into the needs and issues of women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Consultation took place with over 500 women. The main issues which emerged were physical and mental health, language, ageing and disability. Most of the consultations were public forums and domestic violence was not raised. However in separate consultations with service providers, domestic violence emerged as an issue. The report makes recommendations, including the exploration of non-refuge based models of protection, information about domestic violence and legal rights for new arrivals and education for community members who are likely to receive disclosures.
Physical description: 131 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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