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Record ID: 8a06f70b-e01f-4239-b44a-c7e5a80917f0
Type: Report
Title: Australia and the United Nations : annual report card 2007
Authors: United Nations Association of Australia
Keywords: Human rights;Policy
Year: 2007
Publisher: United Nations Association of Australia, Higgins
Notes:  General Overview: The “Report Card” considers Australia performance in relation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and this extract refers specifically to Australia’s performance with regard to the status of women. It pays particular attention to issues of violence against women, paid maternity leave, people trafficking and poverty reduction.

Discussion: This report commends the Australian Governments for the Family Violence Intervention Program in Canberra, the “Australia Says No” national campaign, the removal of a reservation from the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) regarding women in combat positions and a number of other initiatives. It criticises the Australian Government for failing to ensure women’s participation in planning peacekeeping operations, not signing the optional protocol to CEDAW and maintaining its reservation to CEDAW regarding paid maternity leave. There have been notable improvements in the status of women during recent times. Work by police to understand violence and the needs of victims are commended but the under-funding of women’s refuges is a concern.

The Australian Government has committed itself to international developments efforts which reduce poverty by promoting gender equality and empowering women. Australia has also doubled its contribution to UNIFEM, the UN agency for women.
Physical description: 74 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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