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Record ID: ab9168cb-ac16-4a48-9d58-9a932dc6bfb5
Type: Report
Title: Measuring and describing interpersonal violence victimisation in Western Australia : a public health approach
Authors: Gillam, Chris
Keywords: Mental health;Health;Measurement;Risk factors
Year: 2004
Publisher: Injury Control Council of Western Australia, West Perth
Notes:  General Overview: This report reviews the measurement and description of interpersonal violence victimisation in Western Australia, based on a public health approach.

Methods:A public health model of injury causation (the epidemiological triangle) is used to identify three types of risk factors for interpersonal violence victimisation: host, agent and environmental factors. The report also reviews international literature on the link between psychological harm, interpersonal violence victimisation and the role of environmental risk factors.

Discussion: The report describes the roles which public health professionals and injury prevention professionals perform to reduce the health impact of interpersonal violence victimisation. Two concepts from unintentional injury prevention are identified and discussed, that are relevant to interpersonal violence injury prevention. These are:
Results:Published reports of population-based health, crime and child protection data, and victimisation surveys are found to be accessible sources of data for injury prevention professionals. Data from these sources are evaluated in the report and found to give some valid indicators of the outcomes of interpersonal violence victimisation. However, each indicator has some limitations. Two gaps are identified in the data:
1. That reports of data on deaths, hospitalisations and offences associated with assault or maltreatment include:
presenting data on Indigenous status in relation to other socio-demographic characteristics such as age, sex, geographic area of residence;

2. That data on presentations to Perth metropolitan hospital emergency departments related to assault or maltreatment be disaggregated by age, sex, Indigenous status and area of residence;

5. That research be conducted on identifying methods of assessing the role of community and societal risk factors on the risk of interpersonal violence victimisation in Western Australia.
Physical description: 81 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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