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Record ID: ebe01305-3119-41b5-af04-db65a7121150
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Type: Report
Title: Review of the effectiveness of specialist courts in other jurisdictions
Authors: Woolfson, Richard
Plotnikoff, Joyce
Keywords: Legal issues;Criminal justice responses;Specialist courts
Year: 2005
Publisher: Dept. for Constitutional Affairs
Notes:  Report for the UK Department of Constitutional Affairs based on research undertaken between January and July 2004 examining how these courts work in other jurisdictions as a means of informing current and proposed initiatives in the UK. Looks at 10 courts in the Australia, Canada and United States of America that deal with: drugs; domestic and family violence; and community and mental health (the last 2 only in the USA).

Profiles each court; explores judicial role including need for new skills and departure from traditional practice in reviewing and monitoring behaviour of offenders; examines incentives for participating and sanctions for non compliance; looks at the relationship between specialist courts and the communities they serve as well as future directions; and concludes with analysis of how to measure their success, most important elements and cost drivers.

Notes that defence lawyers have an emerging role in these courts – sometimes being viewed more as part of the team since they have an ongoing role in helping ensure that the offender stays in the program. In terms of monitoring and measuring success, not all courts include a monitoring role for offenders and some even questioned the value of this in respect of domestic violence courts. Defines success to include social factors such as improved offender health as well as number of graduates and reduced recidivism.

Found very little research about cost effectiveness of specialist courts. Also concludes that there is a need to address community attitudes which view specialist courts as a soft option. Drug courts examined were: New South Wales Drug Court, Sydney, Australia; Drug Court, Adelaide, South Australia; Clark County Drug Court, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; and the Toronto Drug Treatment Court. Ontario, Canada. Domestic and family violence courts: Family Violence Court, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory; Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Washington DC, USA; and the Provincial Court of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Community Courts: Community Court, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota; Community Court, Hartford, Conneticut, USA. Mental health courts: King County District Court Mental Health Court, Seattle, Washington, USA.
ISBN: 9781840990591
Physical description: 73 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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