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Record ID: 839344ec-0f6b-4a8f-8e1f-dee4a135f3a8
Type: Report
Title: Western Australian family and domestic violence action plan 2004-2005
Authors: Department for Community Development, Family and Domestic Violence Unit
Keywords: Interagency work;Community education;Standards;Policy
Year: 2004
Publisher: Western Australian Government, Perth
Notes:  See also "Western Australian family and domestic violence state strategic plan 2004-2008" in our Research and Resources database.
Presents the 2004/2005 annual plan in the Western Australian Family and Domestic Violence State Strategic Plan 2004-2008. The report outlines the various actions to be taken by the government in 2004/2005 in line with the focus areas identified by the overall strategic plan. The focus areas include facilitation of community education and public awareness, policy development and improving inter-agency coordination and collaboration. For each focus area specific strategies, actions and agencies are described.
Physical description: 20 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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