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Record ID: d3bb3176-e1e5-48ee-bb91-e90fd7c87549
Type: Report
Title: Barriers that prevent country men from accessing domestic violence services
Authors: Family and Domestic Violence Unit
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Perpetrators;Indigenous issues;Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 2002
Publisher: Western Australian Government
Notes:  Presents the background, objectives, methodology and findings of a project undertaken by the Domestic Violence Prevention Unit (DVPU) of the Western Australian Department for Community Development, aimed at exploring the use of crisis services by males in rural and remote areas and identifying some of the barriers that exist to accessing perpetrator programmes in these regions. The research was conducted through two phases in which quantitative and qualitative methodologies were adopted, and the major barriers and enablers relating to help seeking behaviour were isolated. Specific issues arising in the context of Aboriginal communities are highlighted and some of the implications of the research for the Freedom from Fear programme currently being implemented by the DVPU are suggested.
ISBN: 9780730758143
Physical description: 50 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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