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Record ID: 36d56891-d73f-4cd4-870b-b04bf875e3e0
Type: Report
Title: Key findings from the 2003 women’s awareness and attitudes survey / post campaign evaluation five (men’s survey)
Authors: Freedom From Fear - Campaign Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Community education;Community attitudes
Year: 2004
Publisher: Western Australia. Department for Community Development, Family and Domestic Violence Unit, Perth
Notes:  A resource of the Freedom From Fear Campaign Against Domestic Violence:
Briefly reports on results obtained from telephone surveys of 400 men and 200 women in the Perth and Western Australia country areas conducted in May 2003 regarding the Freedom From Fear Campaign. Covers awareness of the campaign, knowledge of help services and perceptions of the campaign by both men and women. Suggests that further research be conducted in the area of common couple conflict versus domestic violence, as there appears to be confusion in distinguishing them. An appendix discusses the evaluation methodology and provides a full list of men’s and women’s surveys conducted throughout the first phase of the campaign.
Physical description: 9p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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