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Record ID: d2a7d522-2ac7-413a-838b-6b130c4c3861
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Type: Report
Title: Silent voices : women with disabilities and family and domestic violence
Authors: Cockram, Judith
Keywords: Personal stories;Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 2003
Publisher: People With Disabilities, Nedlands
Notes:  Presents the findings and research methodology of a collaborative project undertaken by People with Disabilities (WA) Inc., The Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre Inc. and the Edith Cowan University Centre for Social Research, aimed at documenting the nature and prevalence of family and domestic violence against women with disabilities in Western Australia and determining the extent to which the needs of these women are being met by relevant services. A review of the literature relating to women with a disability and intimate partner violence is conducted and the findings of the study are reported in terms of agency responses to the questionnaire and the themes that emerged from interviews with service providers and survivors. Some implications for future research and practice are also highlighted.
Contents:  Contains personal stories (pp. 42
ISBN: 9780729805506
Physical description: 84 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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