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Record ID: de84cb35-9355-4aaa-81f9-efa031a0a569
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Type: Report
Title: Report on a review of literature on the epidemiology of violence in rural and remote Australia and resources to the management of violence
Authors: Prepared by the Health Advisory Committee
Keywords: Workplaces;Regional rural and remote areas;Health;Older people
Year: 2002
Publisher: National Health and Medical Research Council
Notes:  Presents a review of current literature and related resources available on domestic and family violence in rural and remote areas, highlighting some of the major gaps in research, such as elder abuse, suicide and education and support available to rural/remote health workers. Aimed at assisting the development of a health care workers manual for managing domestic violence cases in remote areas, the review used the World Health Organization definition of violence and searched a range of databases to obtain the information presented.
Physical description: 37 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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