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Record ID: 04d5edc4-8611-42b2-9019-8694f24f7b4d
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Type: Report
Title: When it's right in front of you : assisting health care workers to manage the effects of violence in rural and remote Australia.
Authors: NHMRC National Health & Medical Research Council
Keywords: Training;Health;Regional rural and remote areas;Workplaces
Year: 2002
Publisher: NHMRC
Notes:  "Endorsed 30 August 2002."
Developed to provide a resource for health care workers, managers and employer organisations in rural and remote Australia, this manual, designed to assist in the preparation for and response to violence in ways that will minimise its impact, is a tool to assist and guide in the management of episodes of violence, though not necessarily only domestic and family violence. Provides practical guidance and identifies useful websites and references to more specific information. Addresses the two main categories of violence that health care workers and managers may encounter: violence suffered by clients (including physical assault, self-harm and suicide, domestic/family violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, harassment and bullying, and homophobic- or racist-instigated violence); and occupational violence. While not providing legal advice, the manual encourages partnerships at a local level, as well as recognising the diversity of employers, settings and circumstances in different rural and remote areas.

The manual came about through extensive consultation including conference and seminar presentations, through a request for public submissions, and through a workshop involving practitioners with experience in rural health care.

Part A outlines workers’ rights and responsibilities and details a risk management approach to violence. Part B contains tools to assist healthcare workers and managers in deciding how to prepare for and manage episodes of violence. Part C presents various approaches to enable management of violence.
ISBN: 9781864961577
Physical description: 170 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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