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Record ID: 5283eb55-104d-42bc-9a45-7539b9228eec
Type: Report
Title: Intimate Partner Violence and Women With Disabilities: The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists
Authors: Ballan, Michelle S.
Freyer, Molly
Year: 2019
Publisher: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Citation: Volume 28, Issue 4
Abstract:  This article is a call to action for speech-language pathologists to address the overlooked problem of intimate partner violence (IPV) among women with communication disorders (CDs). The article aims to heighten awareness of the higher rates of IPV in women with disabilities compared to those without, and to identify types of CDs that can result from IPV. The article provides background on CDs and IPV and delineates the role speech-language pathologists can play in identifying abuse and assisting patients to disclose IPV. Practice recommendations are provided, including enhanced IPV assessment for women with CDs, best practices for intervention emphasizing a trauma-informed approach, and the importance of collaboration and appropriate referrals.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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