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Record ID: c73f6d85-60b2-4a9a-a442-800de54f3e99
Type: Report
Title: Northern Territory Government domestic violence data collection report 2006
Authors: Johnstone, Kim
O'Rourke, Sarah
Keywords: Statistics
Year: 2006
Publisher: Office of Women's Policy, Dept. of the Chief Minister
Citation: No. 42
Notes:  This report summarises data from the NT Domestic Violence Data Collection Project, police statistics, Supported Accommodation Assistance Program, and NT Hospital-based family violence screening program to provide an overview of domestic and family violence in the Northern Territory. Next steps and recommendations address regular reporting and data collection procedures.
Contents:  1) Introduction
2) National data
3) Data collection project
4) Police data
5) Domestic and family restraining orders
6) Supported accommodation data
7) Hospital screening data
8) Summary
9) Next steps and recommendations
ISBN: 9780724533077
Physical description: 31 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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