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Record ID: eae1d24b-557c-4680-a57c-21736ed5a55e
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Type: Report
Title: Perpetrator interventions in Australia : literature review. State of knowledge paper (part one)
Authors: Mackay, Erin
Beecham, David
Lam, Huette
Gibson, Althea
Keywords: Family violence;Prevention;Perpetrators;Domestic violence;Australia
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Categories: ANROWS Publications
Year: 2015
Publisher: ANROWS
Citation: PP01/2015

"Violence against women is an insidious and entrenched problem in our society. In Australia, since the age of 15, one in six women has experienced physical violence by a current or former intimate partner and one in five women has experienced sexual violence (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). Nationwide, nearly one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner (Bryant & Cussen, 2015). With sexual assault and domestic violence still being significantly under reported, these statistics only provide a limited snapshot of the true number of women and children that have experienced violence and abuse (Marcus & Braaf, 2007; Gelb, 2007).

This violence has devastating physical, emotional and psychological consequences for women and their children, as well as profound social and economic consequences for society. In Australia, the Commonwealth and state and territory governments have committed to the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 (the National Plan)(Council of Australian Governments [COAG], 2011). The National Plan was formulated around a vision that "Australian women and their children live free from violence in safe communities" (COAG, 2011, p. 10), and contains a number of national outcomes to be delivered by all governments over a 12-year period.

This paper focuses on the sixth outcome of the National Plan, which is that "perpetrators stop their violence and are held to account" (COAG, 2011, p. 29). The Second Action Plan (2013-16) of the National Plan contains action items directed towards supporting governments to implement high quality and consistent responses to perpetrators across systems (Australia. Department of Social Services, 2014). In particular, it focuses on improving the evidence-base and the quality of, and access to, perpetrator interventions. It identifies that systems including police, justice, corrections, and community services need to work together in consistent and integrated ways to increase the effectiveness of perpetrator interventions and stop perpetrators reoffending.

ISBN: 9781925372151
ISSN: 2204-9665
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications

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