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Record ID: 64fc015c-4a4e-46d1-9c78-1e5810f3d122
Type: Report
Title: Behaviour change programs : for men who use violence towards family members : whole of government discussion
Authors: prepared by the Office of Women's Policy
Keywords: Perpetrators;Policy
Year: 2000
Publisher: Office of Women's Policy
Notes:  Reviews and examines the current status and provision of men’s behaviour change programmes in the context of family violence, presenting the government’s position and discussing its implications for government, judicial and non-government sectors of the community. An overview of definitions and terminology is provided, followed by a summary of available prevalence statistics and other research findings in the area of violence against women and men’s behaviour change programmes. Major issues identified by the proposal include consistency in response, development of state-wide standards which place the safety of women and children as priority, greater adherence to and monitoring of set standards, enhancement of compliance with court-ordered attendance at programmes and further development of mechanisms for evaluating men’s behaviour change programmes in terms of women’s and children’s safety. Strategies for achieving these broad goals are then set out.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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