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Record ID: 4e3c3e01-3032-48c4-bcf9-7836120c256d
Type: Report
Title: Violence against women resource kit
Authors: Rice, Kerrilie
Tsianakas, Vicki
Keywords: Policy;Overview
Year: 2005
Publisher: Women's Health Victoria
Notes:  Kit aims to include major resources, research and studies on violence against women and sexual assault in Australia for health professionals, people working in women’s organisations, bureaucrats and policy makers. Includes following sections: Dimensions of violence against women (describing various forms, issues and identifies women most likely to experience violence); Incidence (concentrates on the prevalence of violence against women); Key research (discusses major research on violence against women in Australia); Intervention and support (lists resources); Prevention (overview of prevention strategies); and Government policy and committees (discusses policy approaches).
Physical description: 19 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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