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Record ID: 4abebc81-36b9-4632-bf7b-2eb80abd1bda
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Type: Report
Title: Responding to perpetrators of family violence
Authors: Polaschek, Devon L L
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Child protection;Perpetrators;Service provision;Policy
Year: 2016
Publisher: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, Auckland
Citation: 11
Notes:  Integrated response systems offer the most promise for responding to family violence in New Zealand.
Integrated systems:
* Are built from the perspective of system users, not individual service providers
* Include crisis services but also continue to provide support until change is firmly established
* Include response subsystems that cater for perpetrators, but also victims and families
* More New Zealand research is needed before any redesign proceeds, because good design
requires knowledge about service users, and about current responses that is lacking
* Our communities hold expertise that is important to harness in any redesign. More researcherpractitioner collaboration should be built into any ongoing research and evaluation, because evidence-based practice is a process, not an outcome. Victims and victim advocates also hold expertise that is valuable to this research.

An integrated perpetrator response system includes co-ordination between crisis response and immediate containment, criminal and civil court proceedings, sentence or order compliance, risk monitoring and behaviour change components, and provides services based on risk and need.

Necessary components include:
* "Best practice" risk assessment and reassessment processes that are used consistently with
findings well documented
* Providing more dangerous perpetrators more oversight and assistance than less dangerous
* Prompt detection of increases in risk status, with a corresponding change in response
* Providing case managers for those with high and complex needs (e.g., mental health, alcohol and other drugs, housing) who co-ordinate and monitor planned responses.
These response systems offer more opportunities to hold perpetrators to account, and in turn, better account to victims for their efforts in keeping them safe
Appears in Collections:Reports

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