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Record ID: a42f83cb-ae2b-4f85-98fa-a435be56d80a
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Type: Report
Title: Report of the review of allegations of sexual and other abuse in Defence: facing the problems of the past. Vol. 1, General findings and recommendations
Authors: McKean, Melanie
Rumble, Gary Albert
Pearce, D. C
Year: 2012
Publisher: Australian Defoence Force
Citation: Vol.: 1
Notes:  This independent review was commissioned to assess allegations of sexual abuse, harassment, bullying, and other forms of abuse in the Australian Department of Defence - in particular, whether each alleged incident appears to have received proper consideration and what action, if any, should be taken in each case. The review was also to consider all options for dealing with such allegations and any systemic issues in current processes which could be further investigated in Phase 2 of the review. These allegations go back 60 years, and involve men, women, children, groups, and individuals. This document includes volume 1 of the review, the supplement to volume 1, and additional material as appendices. The volume 1 report presents the general findings and recommendations of the review, submitted to the Government in October 2011. The supplement describes the work of the review since that time and provides additional commentary in light of findings from the more detailed analysis of allegations. That analysis will be published as volume 2, to be submitted in April 2012.
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