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Record ID: 29ddfee9-9ef2-4519-9678-bc50d3a49915
Type: Report
Title: Report on the Development Phase of the Mentor Mothers (MOSAIC)
Authors: Hegarty, Kelsey L
Lumley, J
Taft, A J
Small, R
Year: 2002
Publisher: Project to Maternity Services Effectiveness Unit, Victorian Department of Human Services. Melbourne: Centre for the Study of Mothers’ and Children’s Health, La Trobe University, LaTrobe University
Notes:  MOSAIC primary objectives were: to reduce partner violence and/or depression amongst pregnant women or mothers with children under five, identified by their GP or maternal and child health nurse as experiencing or at risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) to strengthen the health, wellbeing and attachment of abused or at-risk women with their children.MOSAIC secondary objectives were to strengthen infrastructure support for GP and maternal and child health (MCH) nurse management of partner abuse, by enhancing effective inter-sectoral collaboration between primary health care and community-based family violence networks to determine the effectiveness of mentor mothers' support to women abused or at risk through a randomised trial design, including process, impact and health outcome evaluation
Appears in Collections:Reports

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