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Record ID: 6e106f3c-77e9-4002-90df-d80ad6aa7659
Type: Report
Title: Supporting Transmasculine Survivors of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence: Reflections from Peer Support Facilitation
Authors: Shultz, Jackson W.
Year: 2019
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Abstract:  Data show that trans individuals experience disproportionately high rates of sexual assault compared to their cisgender peers, yet very few survivor support spaces are accessible to trans men. Using autoethnography to reflect on the experiences of serving as a peer facilitator of a grassroots peer support group for transmasculine and non‐binary survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence in the United States, this article illuminates issues frequently iterated by trans survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence within peer support group settings. From these experiences, common themes are highlighted that reveal new insights and considerations for those who work with transmasculine survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence.
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