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Record ID: fc5b0088-f581-4f6a-b9df-45be13559acb
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Type: Report
Title: Children's rights report 2015
Authors: Naitonal Children's Commissioner
Keywords: Australia;Violence;Human rights;Children
Year: 2015
Publisher: Australian Human Rights Commission
Notes:  "In this report, you will read about, and I hope be encouraged by, the progress made in delivering a society that sees children and young people as citizens now, rather than citizens in waiting and as rights holders on their own behalf – a society whose members are committed to realising those rights and supporting their fulfilment.

I hope that you will be inspired by what you read in this year's report, including the results
of two new projects on the impact of family and domestic violence on children, and on children's rights and business.

This could not be achieved without the efforts of the staff of the Australian Human Rights
Commission, who have worked tirelessly to support me over the year and to deliver this
report. Nor could I do my job without the generous support of the many individuals and
agencies across government and community who care about and care for children and young
people. And most importantly my heartfelt thanks to all the fabulous children and young people I have been able to engage with, learn from and be inspired by." Commissioner Megan Mitchell
Appears in Collections:Reports

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