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Record ID: 098a3e8d-8428-4848-a39a-ca4e481ed28f
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Type: Report
Title: The issue of violence against women in the European Union : study
Authors: Bonewit, Anne
Keywords: Physical violence;Europe;Gender-based violence;Legislation;Psychological abuse;Stalking;Emotional abuse;Domestic violence;Violence against women;Sexual violence;Trafficking;Data
Year: 2016
Publisher: European Parliament, Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights & Constitutional Affairs
Notes:  "This study provides an update of the 2011 study on the Issue of Violence against women in the European Union. The different forms and interrelated factors of violence against women are examined. The study also provides an overview of the current international and European political and legal framework on violence against women. Other issues such as the difficulty of the monitoring and gathering of data, the protection of victims, and the prevention of violence against women are also discussed."
Appears in Collections:Reports

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