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Record ID: e2e01a02-e713-4bd0-bc3b-3411cbeec60d
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Type: Report
Title: Harmful connections : examining the relationship between violence against women and violence against children in the South Pacific
Authors: United Nations Children's Fund
Keywords: Violence against women;South Pacific;Violence against children
Year: 2015
Publisher: UNICEF : Suva
Notes:  "This report is a literature review that aims to develop a deeper understanding of what is known about the connection between violence against women and violence against children (VAC) in the South Pacific Island countries. It consolidates existing evidence from studies on the intersections between VAW and VAC and focuses specifically on Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Island, Tonga and Vanuatu. The review provided an opportunity to conduct a robust
comparative analysis of the data at different levels including country-level analysis."
Open access
Appears in Collections:Reports

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