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Record ID: cf433988-a9e8-40a6-ba23-a4ecbba92a0e
Type: Report
Title: Critical dialogue on engaging men and boys in gender justice : summary report
Authors: Men Engage Alliance
Keywords: Gender equality;Gender relations;Men
Year: 2016
Publisher: MenEngage Alliance
Notes:  "The MenEngage Alliance, a global network of more than 630 organizations working with
men and boys for women's rights and gender justice, has worked to enhance accountability
in this field for some time, building on many years of work by women's-rights organizations.
The MenEngage Alliance understands accountability as the commitment that activists and
organizations working in the engaging boys and men field must have toward women's rights
groups and other social justice movements. It also involves the responsibility to listen to, consult and partner equally with such groups, making sure that the work of engaging men and boys makes a real contribution to social justice and gender equality, rather than being a detraction from this struggle.

The MenEngage Alliance is currently in the process of developing a dialogue and a mutual
understanding of accountability, while acknowledging the different meanings that it has for
different people and institutions.

To this end, in April 2016 the MenEngage Alliance facilitated an online discussion of key constituents on a range of strategic and practical questions relating to engaging men and
boys and transforming masculinities in the women's rights and gender justice field. We invited
participants working on engaging men and boys, and those working on women's rights and
empowerment from all corners of the globe to come together and share experiences, concerns, lessons learned and recommendations about partnership, accountability and transformative work in the field of engaging men and boys in gender justice."
Excerpt from introduction
Appears in Collections:Reports

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