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Record ID: 355c75fb-2d50-4c06-affd-39ae7b606e67
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Type: Report
Title: Third action plan 2016-2019 of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-2022 : easy read
Authors: Australia. Department of Social Services
Keywords: Violence against children;Australia;Policies;National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children;Violence against women;Government
Year: 2016
Publisher: Department of Social Services
Notes:  The Third Action Plan 2016-2019 (Third Action Plan) was launched on 28 October 2016 by the Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP.

The Third Action Plan is part of a long term commitment by governments to work together to change Australia's attitudes to, and tolerance for violence against women and their children.

The Third Action Plan outlines what all governments, communities, businesses and individuals can do to reduce violence against women and their children. It sets out 36 practical actions, across six national priority areas, to be undertaken over the next three years:

National Priority Area 1: Prevention and early intervention
National Priority Area 2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children
National Priority Area 3: Greater support and choice
National Priority Area 4: Sexual violence
National Priority Area 5: Responding to children living with violence
National Priority Area 6: Keeping perpetrators accountable across all systems
c Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Social Services
Appears in Collections:Reports

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