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Record ID: 9feb6503-a545-4cda-b399-ade072be4d38
Web resource:
Type: Report
Title: Gender injustice : system-level juvenile justice reforms for girls
Authors: Balck, Annie
Sherman, Francine T
Keywords: Juvenile justice;Social conditions;Children;Girls;Perpetrators;Youth
Year: 2015
Publisher: National Crittendon Foundation
Notes:  "Despite decades of attention, the proportion of girls in the juvenile justice system has
increased and their challenges have remained remarkably consistent, resulting in deeply
rooted systemic gender injustice. The literature is clear that girls in the justice system
have experienced abuse, violence, adversity, and deprivation across many of the
domains of their lives—family, peers, intimate partners, and community. There is also
increasing understanding of the sorts of programs helpful to these girls. What is missing
is a focus on how systems—and particularly juvenile justice systems—can be redesigned
to protect public safety and support the healing and healthy development of girls and
young women."
From Introduction
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Appears in Collections:Reports

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