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Record ID: 920882f7-20af-4da3-8aaa-6c0fca55eef2
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Type: Report
Title: Women's economic empowerment : parliamentary briefing
Authors: Nomm, Hanna
Hunt, Abigail
Keywords: Discrimination;Economic conditions;Social conditions;Society;Gender equality;Social attitudes
Year: 2016
Publisher: Overseas Development Institute
Notes:  "ODI's analysis shows that gender discrimination means that women often end up in insecure, low-wage and exploitative jobs often in the informal sector, with only a small minority of those in senior and leadership positions.

Gender discrimination limits participation in shaping economic and social policies, while also curtailing access to economic assets such as land and loans. Moreover, women perform the bulk of household and unpaid work such as childcare, which results in less time for women to pursue
economic opportunities. Available evidence suggests that the current global gender wage gap stands at 2.3%."
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