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Record ID: d4fcb8ef-9c61-4fff-9dab-1bd4c8645023
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Type: Report
Title: Domestic and family violence prevention strategy 2016-2026
Authors: Queensland. Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Keywords: Family violence;Prevention;Domestic violence;Policies;Queensland;Policy;Early intervention
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2017
Publisher: Queensland Government
Notes:  "The Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 (PDF, 753 KB) Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 (DOCX, 737 KB) is a vehicle to drive change across all sectors of the Queensland community.

It sets the direction for collaborative action to end domestic and family violence in Queensland, encouraging partnerships between the government, community and business.

The Strategy outlines a shared vision and a set of principles to guide action across government and the community, including a staged 10-year plan on how we will get there.

Our reforms, outlined in the Strategy, will recognise the victim's perspective, prioritise their safety, and reduce the onus on them to take action or leave their home. We will focus on educating frontline professionals to help them recognise and respond to domestic and family violence, creating safe communities and workplaces that support victims, providing effective services that efficiently wrap around the victim, and ensuring our legal system supports victims and holds perpetrators to account.

The Strategy also continues to build on the effective work already being done by the community services sector to address domestic and family violence.The Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 (PDF, 753 KB) Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 (DOCX, 737 KB) is a vehicle to drive change across all sectors of the Queensland community."
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