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Record ID: d782b258-1511-40d6-bde6-6aba02f27e49
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Type: Report
Title: Creating safe housing options for survivors : learning from and expanding research
Authors: Sullivan, Cris M
Keywords: Economic aspects;Safety;Victims / survivors;Homelessness;Service provision;Housing;Domestic violence
Year: 2017
Publisher: Safe Housing Partnership
Notes:  The work of helping domestic violence (DV) survivors find and sustain safe and stable housing is complex,
time-consuming, and requires diverse skills, knowledge and connections. Finding a housing unit within a
survivor's budget that will be safe, while also dealing with the survivor's (and often their children's) trauma
symptoms, is not a straightforward or rapid process. As the advocates in one study noted, their work with each
survivor involved multiple hours per week and could last from several weeks to more than two years (Sullivan,
López Zerón, Bomsta, & Menard, under review). This suggests that each advocate can only successfully work
with a fairly small number of individuals at a time if they are to effectively address the myriad issues
jeopardizing each survivor's safety, housing stability, and long-term well-being.
This document provides a brief overview of the current and expanding evidence behind best practices in
helping domestic violence survivors obtain safe and stable housing. It begins with evidence for three
common core components of this work: mobile advocacy, flexible funding, and attending to safety. It then
provides evidence for how services should be provided: survivor-driven, trauma-informed, and voluntary.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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