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Record ID: a0cb39e2-8e33-46d5-b64c-dba8a12d30a1
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Type: Report
Title: Too costly to ignore : the economic impact of gender-based violence in South Africa
Authors: KPMG Human and Social Services
Keywords: Gender-related violence;South Africa;Economic costs
Year: 2014
Publisher: KPMG Human and Social Services
Notes:  This study discusses the issue of Gender-based Violence (GBV) in society, and the importance of providing estimates of its' economic cost to society. The concept of applying a monetary value to the impact of GBV is explored, and issues specific to South Africa are described. The study presents a partial costing exercise, and discusses the difficulties in creating more definitive estimates due to limited local research and data sources. The study is informed primarily by KPMG research conducted in Australia.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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