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Record ID: 5c4343f1-d5fc-4666-b88f-4a975691d99b
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Type: Report
Title: Family violence rolling action plan 2017-2020
Authors: Victoria. Department of Premier and Cabinet
Keywords: Government policy;Intimate partner violence;Family violence;Victoria;Domestic violence
Year: 2017
Publisher: State of Victoria
Notes:  "The Family Violence Rolling Action Plan 2017-2020
is the next step of the Victorian Government's
10 year agenda to build a Victoria free from
family violence. It is focused on the first phase of
implementation, including how the key initiatives
and actions we are taking will contribute to
achieving outcomes, how they will be funded, as
well as how they deliver on the Royal Commission
into Family Violence (Royal Commission)
This Plan outlines the government's significant
investment of $1.91 billion in family violence
services and reform, and also articulates related
investment in housing, Victoria Police and
Maternal and Child Health Services. Our timelines
and approach to implementation reflect the scale
of these reforms.
Our investment and actions will change the
way services are delivered and better respond
to the needs of victim survivors. They will hold
perpetrators to account. And critically, they will
save lives. "
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