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Record ID: bc49a540-f6ba-4808-a3c9-62ea8976ebfe
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Type: Report
Title: Hidden forces: Shining a light on reproductive coercion. Draft white paper for comment
Authors: Marie Stopes Australia
Keywords: Reproductive coercion;Coercive control;Government policy;Service provision;Prevention;Intimate partner violence;Social attitudes;Research;Social conditions
Year: 2018
Publisher: Marie Stopes Australia
Abstract:  This draft White Paper is directed at researchers, policy-makers, family violence and sexual
assault response agencies and healthcare advocates and providers, and any individual or
organisation that has an interest in gender equality or reproductive rights.
It has been developed by Marie Stopes Australia, a national not-for-profit provider of sexual and
reproductive health including abortion and contraception care with a view to addressing the issue
or reproductive coercion.
It is part of an ongoing national consultation process on the issue of reproductive coercion that
aims to commence a community-wide conversation including what reproductive coercion means
and what it entails.
The draft White Paper aims to:
* Identify key research gaps to help gain an understanding of the prevalence of
reproductive coercion and to use evidence to develop prevention, intervention and
response measures
* Identify how policy intersects with reproductive coercion including where it can cause
coercion, or where policy can prevent coercion
* Identify what practices healthcare providers can put in place to prevent, intervene and
respond to reproductive coercion.

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Appears in Collections:Reports

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