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Record ID: 8c44603c-6602-418d-8329-0fbc771e9fb3
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Type: Report
Title: Women online : the intersection of technology, gender and sexism
Authors: Women’s Health East
Keywords: Technology-facilitated abuse;Girls;Cyber safety;Cyberstalking and digital technology;Social media;Violence against women;Gender-based violence;Cyberbullying
Year: 2018
Publisher: Women's Health East
Abstract:  "This paper describes the key drivers of violence and how these interact with the online environment to create 'cyber violence'. It identifies the various online spaces which make up today's online environment and explores the content and actions facilitated by online spaces which are harmful to women and girls. The ways that these online spaces can provide a valuable space for women and girls and assist feminist activism are also explored.

Using the primary prevention framework, Change the Story, the paper presents a case for action to prevent cyber violence against women and girls through recommendations for change at individual, organisational and societal levels." (page 4)
Appears in Collections:Reports

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