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Record ID: cca67b01-ab85-4bd5-a61d-6fba495624d4
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Type: Report
Title: Two years on from the Royal Commission into Family Violence
Authors: Victoria. Department of Premier and Cabinet
Keywords: Government inquiries;Victoria;Government policy;Prevention;Domestic violence;Family violence
Year: 2018
Publisher: State of Victoria
Abstract:  "On 29 March 2016, the royal commission released its report, detailing a system that failed to keep victim survivors safe. Across programs, laws and policies, the 227 recommendations were directed at improving the current system, while also
transforming the way that we respond to family violence going forward.

In response, the Premier committed to implementing every single recommendation. Ending Family Violence: Victoria's Plan for Change (the 10 Year Plan) (Nov 2016) sets out the long term
vision of a Victoria free from family violence.

Over the past 12 months, work has been underway across government and key sector representatives and victim survivors to progress the ambitious reforms.

The release of the Family Violence Rolling Action
Plan 2017-2020 (the Rolling Action Plan) (May 2017) outlines initiatives to be achieved over the short to medium term.

The information in this document sets out some of our key achievements over the past 12 months, captured under each of the four domains of the Outcomes Framework."
ISBN: 9781925789003
Appears in Collections:Reports

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