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Record ID: 0bfa0abf-4707-42f5-b27c-1c5d3abb33eb
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Type: Report
Title: An Islamic human rights perspective on early and forced marriages : protecting the sanctity of marriage
Authors: Islamic Relief Worldwide
Keywords: Child marriage;Marriage;- Religious aspects;Human rights;Female genital mutilation;Islam
Year: 2018
Publisher: Islamic Relief Worldwide
Abstract:  "This guide presents an Islamic human rights perspective on EFM for those seeking to understand the issues and working to end the practices in Muslim communities. Islamic Relief believes that changing perceptions in order to end harmful practices in Muslim communities is best done through better
understanding and raising awareness of human rights as enshrined in Islamic law. We call upon parents and guardians, imams and community leaders, teachers and health workers, governments and NGOs to work together to understand why
EFM is practiced in Muslim communities, raise awareness about the harm it causes, tackle the complex issues that lead to its prevalence and seek to change perceptions and behaviour by promoting a better understanding of human rights
enshrined in Islamic teaching."
Appears in Collections:Reports

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