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Record ID: 1ec174ba-35c1-4e18-bd16-aa36385e3ca2
Type: Report
Title: Women in the workplace 2018
Authors: Yee, Lareina
Noble-Tolla, Mary
Bohrer, Ali
Krivkovich, Alexis
Robinson, Nicole
Nadeau, Marie-Claude
Robinson, Kelsey
Starikova, Irina
Thomas, Rachel
Cooper, Marianne
Konar, Ellen
Rooney, Megan
Keywords: Women - Employment;Statistics;Equality;United States
Year: 2018
Publisher: McKinsey & Company
Abstract:  "Women in the Workplace 2018 is the largest comprehensive
study of the state of women in corporate America. Since 2015,
LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company have published this report annually to give companies and employees the information they need to advance women and improve gender diversity within their organizations. McKinsey & Company also conducted similar research in 2012. This year, 279 companies employing more than 13 million people shared their pipeline data and completed a survey of their HR practices. In addition, more than 64,000 employees were surveyed on their workplace
experiences, and we interviewed women of different races and
ethnicities and LGBTQ women for additional insights. Since
2015, 462 companies employing almost 20 million people have
participated in the study."
Appears in Collections:Reports

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