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Record ID: c0b03a8b-cace-4343-936a-df1b735eb498
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Type: Report
Title: A safe state : acting to end sexual, domestic and family violence
Authors: NSW Women's Alliance
Keywords: New South Wales;Sexual abuse;Government policy;Sexual assault;Prevention;Domestic violence;Policies;Violence
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2018
Publisher: NSW Women's Alliance
Abstract:  "The NSW Women's Alliance, a group of NSW peak organisations and state-wide service providers working within the sexual and domestic and family violence field and from a feminist framework, including Women's Legal Service NSW, have together developed forty-nine recommendations for policy and law change to prevent and end sexual, domestic and family violence in NSW, called A Safe State.

In the lead up to the 2019 NSW Election they are calling on all members of parliament and members of the community to take a stand against sexual and domestic and family violence which is disproportionately perpetrated by men against women and children and to support the A Safe State recommendations.

A Safer State makes recommendations in six key areas:

Create cultural change to prevent violence and promote gender equality
Provide immediate and ongoing support for people experiencing violence
Ensure people experiencing violence have a safe home
Ensure people experiencing violence can access justice safely
Enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to lead change to end violence
Be accountable to specialist workers and the wider community"
Appears in Collections:Reports

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