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Record ID: 52744464-60dc-4d12-879e-f0cde4ada1c8
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Type: Report
Title: There's no safe place at home: Domestic and family violence affecting LGBTIQ+ people
Authors: Lloyd, Alice
McCann, Beth
Gibson, Madeline
Kassisieh, Ghassan
Keywords: LGBTIQ
Population: LGBTQ communities
Year: 2020
Publisher: Equality Australia
Centre for Family Research and Evaluation

Equality Australia and the Centre for Family Research and Evaluation at Drummond Street Services have released a groundbreaking research report on domestic and family violence affecting LGBTIQ+ people, There’s no safe place at home.

The report is based on data from 2,631 LGBTIQ+ people in Australia who were surveyed in April/May about their experiences of domestic and family violence. 

Appears in Collections:Reports

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