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Record ID: f7695646-68cc-4e26-9c6f-5c4468887620
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Type: Report
Title: Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2021–2031
Institutional author: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Year: 2021
Publisher: DFAT

The Australian Government is a committed global champion of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. We take seriously our UNSCR 1325 commitment to the advancement of WPS, ensuring that Australia continues to promote gender equality, protect the human rights of women and girls, and secure their full, equal and meaningful participation in peace and security processes.

Australia’s actions to implement these commitments across government are guided by our second National Action Plan (NAP) on WPS 2021-2031, a whole-of-government strategy developed in consultation with a host of civil society organisations. Building on the work of our first NAP 2012-18 on WPS, Australia’s second NAP 2021-2031 on WPS will deliver on four outcomes:

1. supporting women’s meaningful participation and needs in peace processes
2. reducing sexual and gender-based violence
3. supporting resilience, crisis, and security, law and justice efforts to meet the needs and rights of all women and girls
4. demonstrating leadership and accountability for WPS.

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