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Record ID: 2f9cf446-c8cc-425e-8d91-363094de3de4
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Type: Report
Title: TramLab: Toolkit for gender-sensitive communication campaigns
Authors: TramLab
Year: 2020
Publisher: La Trobe University

TramLAB: Improving the Safety of Women and Girls on Public Transport is a collaborative research project between La Trobe University, Monash University’s XYX Lab, and RMIT featuring a series of gender-sensitive toolkits to improve the safety of women and girls on public transport in Victoria.

Toolkit 1: Communication Campaigns
Lays out the steps for developing gender-sensitive communication campaigns.  The Toolkit includes sample communication campaigns that can be drawn upon to achieve behavioural change to reduce and prevent violence against women and girls.

Research teamAngela Taft, Leesa HookerJess Ison; in collaboration with Kirsty Forsdike, La Trobe University; Nicole Kalms, Gene Bawden, Gill Matthewson, Hannah Korsmeyer and Isabella Webb, Monash University XYX Lab; Nicola Henry, RMIT University

This project receives funding from the Victorian Department of Transport.

Appears in Collections:Reports

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