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Record ID: 26d6d55c-6fc8-41eb-977e-ccb39df94391
Type: Conference Paper
Title: Much ado about nothing or something - violence in lesbian relationships
Other Titles: Domestic violence : current responses, future directions : conference proc[cut]
Authors: Beauchamp, Julie
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 1998
Publisher: Relationships Australia (NSW)
Notes:  "Relationships Australia (NSW) 50th Anniversary Conference" cover
Outlines areas that need to be addressed when working with lesbian couples where violence is a problem. The violence is often hidden, and can result in women being doubly stigmatised. While some similarities are noted, the differences between lesbian violence and violence of men toward women can be attributed to political, social, and gender issues. Discusses issues which apply specifically to lesbian relationships, and the problems that arise which have the potential to lead to violence. Reports on the nature of violence, and the importance of recognising various factors which lead to abuse. Therapeutic interventions need to address the issue of violence, develop a context of safety that is continually monitored, and then deal with the underlying problems in the relationship.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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