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Record ID: 22ceb350-321a-4bbf-aa31-f65d55ad5c38
Type: audio
Title: The great debate : child protection and domestic violence : women should be accountable for the safety of children!? [sound recording]
Authors: initiative of the Parent Aid Unit, Royal Children's Hospital Brisbane, and Domestic Violence Resource Centre South Brisbane
Keywords: Child protection
Year: 2000
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Notes:  For Child Protection Week, September 2000
Tape of the proceedings of a forum which was organised by the Parent Aid Unit of the Royal Children's Hospital and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRC) in conjunction with Child Protection Week. The main aims of the forum were: to draw out the issues and complexities of protecting children who are affected by domestic violence; to explore state responsibility and individual accountability; and to debate victimisation and accountability issues. While all panellists agreed that the safety of women and children is paramount, the question of responsibility for the protection of children raised many issues. An open session after the debate provided an opportunity for discussion on frameworks and principles of practice, including the need for a gendered analysis and ensuring that safety and non-violence are primary principles. The forum also recommended challenging stereotypes about families and women and the common perception of the nuclear family being best for all children. Participants valued the opportunity to begin discussions between the child protection and domestic violence sectors.
ISBN: 9780957750616
Physical description: 1 audio cassette
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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