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Record ID: bd6efecd-1ad0-4646-9334-8f2a39dd282e
Type: Video
Title: Shredded [videorecording]
Authors: Dempsey, Dianne
Keywords: Community education;Psychological abuse;Impact on children and young people;Training;Community development
Year: 2003
Publisher: Annie North Inc., Bendigo
Notes:  A broadcast standard video from Ballarat Victoria with accompanying notes on the project, prompt questions for training and information on domestic violence.
The script and video come out of a community development project. Women using the local refuge contributed to the script development and chose to focus on emotional abuse because “it hurt more”. An aim of the project was to explore the uncertain line between relationships of conflict as opposed to those of unequal power and control, which result in fear and trauma for the victims.
The main characters Anna and Geoff are a middle class couple with two children. The video uses the image of “shredding” to portray the effects of emotional abuse on Anna and her children. Anna’s commitment to the relationship is finally overcome by her awareness of the destructive impact the abuse has on herself and on the children.
Physical description: 1 Video, 1 training and information booklet
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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