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Record ID: 26a18d69-77b8-4723-bd14-43d164f8a0a8
Type: Video
Title: Off the beaten track tour [videorecording]
Authors: Sydney Older Women's Network
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 2000
Publisher: Older Women's Network
Notes:  Overviews the Older Women’s Network Theatre Company tour of five towns in rural New South Wales. Raises issues relating to what it is like to live as older women in a rural community, for example, effect of the privatisation of Telstra, how they feel about local services, role and invisibility of women on farms, media, ageism, health, independence/dependence, domestic violence, verbal abuse, sexual assault, loneliness, addiction and the public hospital system. Includes skits and entertainment.
Physical description: 1 video
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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