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Record ID: 9329078f-9985-4fcc-ac8b-e39b387e4f7c
Web resource:
Type: Web Page
Title: Free to be
Authors: Plan International
Keywords: Maps;Surveys;Women;Safety;New South Wales
Year: 2018
Publisher: Plan International
Notes:  "The streets of Sydney are our domain. Here, we should feel welcome, valued, safe and included. But do you really feel like you have a say in your own city? This is your chance. The people who make decisions about our city will see your stories, your experiences and your ideas for change.

Where in Sydney do you feel safe, happy and like you belong? What about places you feel unsafe, or where you get harassed or made to feel uneasy or excluded? Tell us about it.

Because all of us should feel Free To Be in Sydney.

Click "Add a Spot" to add your story. You can add as many as you like. Start at our Sydney city map, or jump to a hub near you:

Castle Hill

By submitting a spot, you're giving us permission to use your data for research to help make our cities safer."
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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