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Record ID: f840e65e-fcbf-44d2-bc70-0030d3201465
Web resource:
Type: Web Page
Title: Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter
Keywords: Shelters;Family violence;Northern Territory;Support services;Service provision;Domestic violence
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2019
Publisher: Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter
Abstract:  Service available 24/7

Call: 08 8945 2284 (Bus. hrs)
Service area: Darwin, NT
08 8945 2284 (After hrs 24/7)

The Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter provides safe and culturally appropriate services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are homeless or escaping family violence. The services provided include support, referral, outreach and domestic violence crisis accommodation.
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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