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Record ID: d35d3fbd-7602-4a6e-87c9-1a52907ea497
Web resource:
Type: Report
Title: In My Voice: Training Package
Authors: Settlement Services International
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2022
Publisher: Settlement Services International

Open access

In My Voice is a set of vignettes (short video clips) that tell the stories of Domestic & Family Violence (DFV) in different migrant communities. These stories are told by Supporting U women leaders, who describe the struggles faced helping women with DFV from their communities.

The goal of the vignettes is to start conversations amongst communities and service providers. Each vignette tells a different story but together as a group of vignettes, they paint a diverse picture of DFV in migrant and refugee communities.

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